by Nikki Rajala | Apr 2, 2020 | Voyageur
Has your concern during the pandemic COVID-19 made you curious about what medical remedies voyageurs used? It piqued my interest. Here’s what I found about their “physick.” “3 purges & 3 vomits” for whatever ails you By age 17, George Nelson was...
by Nikki Rajala | Mar 24, 2020 | Voyageur
Here I thought my character Andre was too young to travel with a brigade of experienced canoemen (though he was taller than the usual 5’6” for voyageurs). But Margi Preus has envisioned a super-tiny one — a squirrel who longs to see what all the excitement is...
by Nikki Rajala | Mar 12, 2020 | Voyageur
Do you love maps as much as I do? When Bill drives, I’ve got a paper map on my lap. Sure GPS gives helpful info, turn by turn, but it doesn’t give me the whole picture. Old maps in particular fascinate me. Besides studying them, I’ve saved a few — like...
by Nikki Rajala | Jan 10, 2020 | Voyageur
Get your stopwatch — how many ‘P” words that describe the fur trade can you name quickly? Kudos if you get more than 5 and a gold star if you think of 10. Well, actually there’s more than 17. Then compare your tally to this unofficial list....
by Nikki Rajala | Apr 21, 2019 | Featured
Imagine the array of specialty goods from 1800 — lace handkerchiefs, fragrant tea, violin strings, glass beads, printed calico, nutmegs, lacquered boxes, powdered vermilion, shiny knives and kettles — and feast your senses. Their uniqueness, their usefulness draws...